Do you have headaches or migraines?

Do you have headaches or migraines?

Headache is a common problem and there are 19,000 migraine attacks every day in the UK. Headaches are not only painful, they can be disabling and have a tremendous impact on a person’s work and social life. They also have a significant economic...

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Books that heal

Books that heal

If you have children to look after then you might see World Book Day as an impending night of frantic fancy dress costume making so, along with the team at the Therapy Rooms, I thought I would offer an alternative and create a space to discuss...

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Matters of the heart

Matters of the heart

Across cultures the heart is a symbol of love and this is true in Chinese medicine too. It is at the centre of our relationships with others, allowing us to give and receive love, both human and divine. The ancient Chinese used the analogy of the...

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Everything an acupuncturist could dream of …

Everything an acupuncturist could dream of …

It has been an exciting start to 2017 as I have moved my practice to the Therapy Rooms in Pembroke Dock. The treatment room is beautiful with everything an acupuncturist could dream of, a large sink (yes our dreams are pretty humble!) and two...

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