
When I first started my study of acupuncture back in 2005 I was only aware of its physical benefits. Over the years, my appreciation of the profound impact acupuncture can have on a person’s mental and emotional state has grown. I have witnessed acupuncture transform a person’s life; giving them relief from depression in some cases, assuaging anxiety in others. I have also seen it move people through emotional states they appear to be stuck in, such as relentless anger and frustration, to a place where their energy becomes instead a dynamic force for self-expression.

Five Element acupuncturists are fortunate that we can not only frame a person’s feeling of hopelessness, for example, in context of depleted energy in certain meridians, but we also have in the needle and in moxa the physical tools to facilitate change.

Given my interest in the use of acupuncture in helping people cope with the stresses of life, I have wanted to read Dragon rises, red bird flies by Leon Hammer for some time. As explained by the blurb on the back cover, ‘’Based on long experience as physician, psychiatrist and practitioner of Chinese medicine, Leon Hammer offers a new model for appreciating the traditional healer’s effective and profound respect for individual integrity and energetic balance. Explaining, and going beyond, the Five Element system, he shows that this Eastern practice is as much a spiritual science as a physical one’’.

As this book costs about £35, it has been on my wish list for a while. I visited Free Books Carmarthen last week and I think I gasped audibly when I moved a book aside in a rather large pile to see the image of the Chinese dragon on the front of that very same book. I am spending every spare minute reading this marvellous book and I am amazed at my good fortune. I hope I can pass on some of this to my patients as I incorporate my learning into my practice!

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