Happy New Year from Rachel Edney Acupuncture, Pembrokeshire

Happy New Year from Rachel Edney Acupuncture, Pembrokeshire

What an interesting year 2019 was! Every treatment has been rewarding and it is lovely to see you all feeling happier and healthier.

The highlights for me this year were writing the Scope of Acupuncture Report for the British Acupuncture Council which will be published in 2020. I feel proud to be able to spread the word on the huge body of scientific evidence backing up the effects of acupuncture. The election may have scuppered the report’s launch at Westminster but the new event planned in 2020 is very exciting … more news soon!

I also had the opportunity to talk about the evidence for acupuncture with a journalist and the article can be found by clicking here.

I enjoyed the British Acupuncture Council’s conference and topped up my ENT for acupuncture skills, as well as learnt how to use massage to boost fertility. Amazing stuff!

Finally, I have founded a group bringing together the most qualified acupuncturists in South West Wales. More news on this soon!


Can acupuncture help bladder problems?

Can acupuncture help bladder problems?

Many people suffer from bladder problems that can lead to incontinence and it has such a negative impact on their quality of life. It might mean avoiding taking trips or visiting people in case you need to use the toilet repeatedly or feeling...

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Acupuncture for plantar fasciitis

Acupuncture for plantar fasciitis

What a lovely message from a patient who had received acupuncture to help with plantar fasciitis, which is very painful and can affect mobility. My client’s experience is backed up by what is seen in studies of acupuncture for plantar...

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Acupuncture can help with the menopause

Acupuncture can help with the menopause

Acupuncture can be really helpful in the management of menopausal symptoms and I see many women in my clinic who find they have fewer hot flashes and sleep better when they have regular acupuncture treatment. Current research supports my own...

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A day in the life of an acupuncturist

A day in the life of an acupuncturist

The work of an acupuncturist is interesting and varied and every day I see how acupuncture can make a positive difference to people’s lives. Confidentiality is essential so I have changed the names and clinical details in the cases below to...

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Fertility Research Round Up May 2018

Fertility Research Round Up May 2018

The two recently published papers stand out this month. They are the Cochrane Reviews on the impact of follicular flushing during egg retrieval in assisted reproductive techniques (ART), and the review of research into metabolomics for improving...

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Fertility Research Round Up April 2018

Fertility Research Round Up April 2018

So what have we learnt about how to improve our chances of pregnancy over the last few months? I have scoured the results published in the journals to find out what is new and useful for people trying to conceive. During procedures such as IVF...

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Acupuncture in studies and practice

Acupuncture in studies and practice

I like to keep an eye on the studies that have been published regarding acupuncture therapy, and will sometimes mention them in this blog if they have been published in a respected peer-reviewed journal. Anyone with an interest in this area will...

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