Happy New Year from Rachel Edney Acupuncture, Pembrokeshire

Happy New Year from Rachel Edney Acupuncture, Pembrokeshire

What an interesting year 2019 was! Every treatment has been rewarding and it is lovely to see you all feeling happier and healthier.

The highlights for me this year were writing the Scope of Acupuncture Report for the British Acupuncture Council which will be published in 2020. I feel proud to be able to spread the word on the huge body of scientific evidence backing up the effects of acupuncture. The election may have scuppered the report’s launch at Westminster but the new event planned in 2020 is very exciting … more news soon!

I also had the opportunity to talk about the evidence for acupuncture with a journalist and the article can be found by clicking here.

I enjoyed the British Acupuncture Council’s conference and topped up my ENT for acupuncture skills, as well as learnt how to use massage to boost fertility. Amazing stuff!

Finally, I have founded a group bringing together the most qualified acupuncturists in South West Wales. More news on this soon!


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